You don’t have to be expert siding contractors to know that the winter season brings with it a whole new set of challenges for your siding. The extreme weather conditions often push your home to the limits and it’s best to face it well-armed and prepared for whatever might happen.
Seasonal maintenance is one of the best ways to get your siding boards ready for the cold days of winter, but it’s also helpful to be familiar with a few of the most common issues the season can bring. Here are a few winter time problems to keep an eye out for from our siding pros at [company_name].
Warping and Breakage
Wild temperature swings can be a pain to both your siding and siding contractors alike. The winter season can cause materials to expand and contract periodically, causing massive amounts of wear and tear to even the strongest siding boards. Unfortunately, this problem can only be solved by replacement and while this might sound like such an expensive solution, it’s definitely better than suffering through with moisture-damaged walls and sky-high energy bills.
Lamination Failure
Wood siding boards are protected by a layer of weather-resistant coating called lamination. In winter, this coating experiences a lot of wear, making it prone to failure and, ultimately, falling off. Have a professional siding contractor inspect your home before the season starts to ensure that your siding lamination is in good shape.
Water Damage
The moisture and water from melting snow is a common problem faced by siding contractors all winter long. This type of problem can occur as a result of other issues which is why early detection is necessary. They are, however, difficult to diagnose if they are not connected to any other issue in your house. Contact your local siding company for a full inspection to see if you are due for some repairs or replacement.
Call our professionals at [company_name] to get your siding ready for the winter. You may reach us at [company_phone] or fill out our contact form to schedule an inspection or request a free estimate on siding replacements today. We serve homeowners in Minneapolis and neighboring areas.