It’s been a long, cold, storm-filled winter. But thankfully an end is in sight. Spring is on its way, and once temperatures begin to rise we’ll have the opportunity to assess the damage that the winter weather has caused to our homes.
When it is safe to do so you should follow this “DO’s and DON’Ts” checklist to evaluate the wear and tear caused by the winter, and assess the overall condition of your home.
• Do a “walk around” looking for missing or damaged siding panels, loose or missing trim, damaged shrubbery, loose downspouts and gutters, etc. Make note of the location of each problem area.
• Do look for cracked or warped window panes (especially in remote locations like basements or attics), or loose and rattling panes. Check window trim to make sure it is has not worked loose during the winter.
• Do clear away debris like fallen branches and dried leaves from around the foundation of your house.
• Don’t try to patch up missing or damaged siding panels yourself. Improper repairs can result in further damage. Call a professional siding company like [company_name] for a more thorough inspection and any repairs you may need.
• Don’t leave cracked or warped window frames unattended. The weather may be getting nicer, but those cracks and gaps lose just as much energy in the spring and summer as they during the winter months.
• Don’t put off your home inspection until summer. The issues outlined above, if not corrected and repaired, could leave you open to weather damage during the spring.
For a complete home evaluation and professional siding inspection, give us a call at [company_phone]. Or visit out website at /.